Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting 07.19.2010


Date:  Monday 19 July  2010

Time:   7pm

Minutes of Last Meeting


President, Secretary –  and 5 Homeowners

Matters Discussed


  1. President informed the house that no financials or agenda was available.
  2. The failing sprinkler system is causing some damage, however this matter is being attended to.
  3. Residents have noticed several speedsters in our area, It is the concern of all to be mindful of this.
  4. Members have agreed to joint the organization being formed for the Neighborhood watch. More will be discussed at the next meeting.
  5. The problem of the trailer still persists, and will continue to be attended to.
  6. Secretary informed the house that a committee meeting to oversee the Fall Party will be held on July 28 at 7 pm at 8210 Champion Drive. Interested parties and volunteers are welcome. Please come with your ideas and commitment to ensure a successful event.

Meeting Adjourned at 7.45pm

Management  – H O A

Minutes of Meeting 06.21.2010


  DATE:  MONDAY 21 JUNE 2010

  TIME: 7 PM




  • The Secretary welcomed and thanked those present and hoped that this response will continue. Kindly encourage your friends and neighbors as well.
  • The President informed the house of the following; sprinkler heads were stolen and replaced/ water bill was expected to increase as we get into summer, he was making every effort to control the sprinkler system accordingly.
  • The President mentioned that he was aware of the new residents with the trailer on the road and will follow up accordingly.
  • The fall party was discussed in length. The date set is OCTOBER 23. Kindly save the date to enjoy this evening of fun/food and games. A committee will be set up for this party.
  • When you receive the notice, kindly share your expertise with us to be part of this committee so that we can have a successful event.
  • The Treasurer volunteered to obtain the Permit required for the Party.
  • Apology :  As mentioned in the previous minutes, apologies for no refreshments, however please be assured light refreshments will be served at the next and every meeting thereafter.
  • Once again, thank you to those present and we look forward to your attendance at the next   meeting.


Board of Directors  – H O A

Minutes of Board Meeting 05.17.2010

Date:  Monday 17 May, 2010

Time:   7pm

  Attendance: President,Treasurer, Secretary –  In Attendance: Pat Pather

  1. V. Thomas
  2. D.Thomas

Matters Discussed

  1. The flower beds in front have a new look and are being well maintained. A suggestion was made about removing the metal border around the flower beds and replacing them with some brickwork. As we are approaching the summer months an increase in the monthly expenditure for maintenance is expected.
  2. The President expressed his opinion that the choice of yard of the month was not received favorably, although this choice was made after discussion with the board members. As indicated above the presence of 3 homeowners will not help this community grow from strength to strength. Therefore your attendance at these meetings to air your views/ opinions and open discussion is very important. It was also suggested to increase the gift card amount to $50. Upon further discussion, the board has decided to retain the amount of $25 however, instead of Home Depot Cards, the Visa Gift Card will be issued next year.
  3. The problem of basketball courts and boats on the roads still exist. Kindly adhere to the HOA rules regarding these matters. Defaulters will receive management letters.
  4. In an effort to increase the attendance at the monthly meetings, it was decided to serve light refreshments, and to choose another day, besides Monday.

Closure:  8.10pm

Board of Directors – HOA

Minutes of Annual Meeting 04.19.2010

Champion Lakes Home Owners Association Annual Meeting
Minutes April 19, 2010 @ 7:00 pm

Meeting called to order @ 7:00 pm

Board members in attendance Bryon Santistevan, and Mike Kratz


  • Bea Pena                                 8118 Champion Dr.
  • Victoria & Dwight Thomas    8412 Champion Dr.
  • Pam & Pat Pather                    8210 Champion Dr.
  • Connie Morett                         8506 Victory St.
  • Lilo Beene                               8610 Scooner St.
  • Lori Thompson                        8601 Gold Rd.
  • June Hering                             8317 Victory St.
  • Eddie Tutt                               8210 Sailors St.
  • Igor & Lisa Grinshan              8409 Sailors St.
  • Operating balance $21,308
  • Drive safe in our community.
  • Crime watch info.  We need 8 volunteers and 1 president to meet 4 times a year before the city will recognize us as a Crime watch community.
  • Talked about parking on the corner of Sailors and Scooner.
  • Neighborhood Garage sale May 1st and 2nd.
  • Mike Kratz talked about our financial status.
  • We are planning to plant a few more trees end of summer and flowers in the next 2 weeks.
  • Talked about having a 2nd neighborhood party in the summer. Instead we will have a bigger party in October.
  • Bryon Santistevan – re-elected President (all votes in favor, none against)
  • Pam Pather – elected Secretary (all votes in favor, none against)

Meeting Adjourned 8:05 pm

Minutes of Meeting 03.22.2010

Champion Lakes Home Owners Association

Meeting Minutes March 22, 2010 @ 7:00 pm


Meeting called to order @ 7:00 pm

Board members in attendance Bryon Santistevan, and Mike Kratz

  • Photo cell is broken at entry that is  why the light is off.  Bryon is working on fixing it.
  • We will buy flowers in April. Same type as last year. Cost around $550.
  • Mike will call city about Tire/Tar marks in entry from road work.
  • Yard of Month will Start in April – Victoria and Dwight Thomas will pick the homes for  2010.
  • Send Violation letters to homes with Boats and Basketball hoops on street.
  • Bryon will see about getting neighborhood watch signs.
  • Mike will mail Annual meeting letters 3 weeks before meeting.
  • Bryon will put the meeting sign out earlier.

Meeting Adjourned 8:35 pm