Meeting Minutes

Champion Lakes HOA Annual Meeting 03.25.2024

Champion Lakes HOA Annual Board Meeting Notes Monday, March 25, 2024

6:30pm Check in


  1. Determine votes present by roll call, check-in procedure, # of Proxy Ballots.
    1. Live:
      John & June Hering (8317 Victory),
    2. Proxy Ballots:
  2. Announcement of quorum: met quorum
  3. Proof of notice of meeting (eblast, posted yard sign, notices hand distributed to homes)
  4. Call to Order & Approval of the Agenda at 7:00pm
  5. Approval of minutes of preceding meeting(s):
    1. 3/23/23 HOA Annual Board Meeting Minutes
      1. Motion to Accept the minutes- approved.
    2. 4/20/23 HOA Board Budget Meeting Minutes
      1. Motion to Accept the minutes- approved.
    3. 10/19/2023 HOA Budget Meeting Minutes
      1. Motion to Accept the minutes – approved.
  6. Reports:
    1. President’s Report
      1. Thank you for attending this meeting. Why? 3 points
        1. Stay Informed
          1. Yes, you have access to meeting minutes, email updates, and the Web Site, but they are just highlights of what is happening. By attending this HOA budget meeting you’re able to hear the discussions, recommendations, and concerns first-hand. You can learn more about how and why decisions were made and what is in the works for the future.
        2. Get Involved
          1. This is a great opportunity to make your voice heard if there is something you have questions about or want to share regarding what is happening in our community. You can think about things you like to do and put your talents to use and make a positive difference in our neighborhood.
            1. Neighborhood Activities
            2. Champion Lakes Garage Yard Sale
            3. Neighborhood Movie Night
            4. Neighborhood Watch Program (National Night Out)
            5. Spring / Fall Block Parties
        3. Understand Community Management
          1. You pay dues every year, but do you know how that money is being spent? Do you know why the HOA had to lower or increase fees? By attending this meeting you can gain more insight into exactly what decisions are being made and how the community is being managed. What are you getting for your money?
          2. Thank you for joining us this evening. Welcome our new homeowners!!!!
          3. Tania thanked everyone and the large number of people at the Zoom Meeting.
    2. Treasurer’s Report – Financials are available in your TownSq Ap
      1. Financial Highlights:
        1. EOY with $39,195. Balance end of February $53,671
        2. Feb, 2023 Report Checking $45,674; MM $9,522;
        3. Feb, 2024 Report Checking $32,383; MM $21,287
        4. Total Assessments Expected: $41,400 (Received: $33,307)
        5. Feb Assessments received $3,330 plus Late Fees $143
        6. Feb Administration Expenses: $2,362
        7. Reserve Contributions per month
          1. 2022 = $485
          2. 2023 = $1,000
          3. 2024 = $871
        8. Monthly Landscape $750 (includes mowing and Spring/Fall flowers)
        9. Feb Electric $37 Water $0
            1. Heather spoke about the importance of the reserves.
            2. Ashleigh noted that we had $38,000 in reserves and we were ahead of planned amount.
            3. Noted that the Landscaper went up by $70 per month, but it also includes weed pulling and flowers planted twice a year.
            4. It was requested that the Reserve Study from 2021 be put on TownSq. John will send to Ashleigh for posting.
      2. Motion to approve the Financials as reported
    3. Neighborhood Watch Report
      1. National Night Out – hopefully in the Fall
      2. Other
    4. Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
      1. Procedure for making changes on the outside of house/property
      2. ARC Outside Home Change Request.
      3. [email protected]
      4. Violations to our Covenants and Bylaws being pursued.
      5. Yard of the Month was not put into the 2024 budget.
      6. It was noted that we wouldn’t be having financial discussions if all the homeowners would pay their dues….. noting about $10,000 is owed!
      7. Sherry Jones volunteered to be put on the ARC. We will touch based with her because others are interested as well.
      8. Thank you to Ashleigh Richardson and Goodwin Management Company for their service to Champion Lakes, Rowlett.
  7. Unfinished or Old Business:
    1. 2023 highlights
      1. Amendment to the declaration about rentals
      2. Major Sprinkler Repair without being in the budget, but covered without going into the Reserves.
      3. Entrance Monument Enhancement – appreciated by the homeowners for increased property values
      4. Establishment of the ARC Color Palette
    2. How to handle complaints
      1. For criminal activity – Dial 911 Non-emergency Rowlett# 972-412-6200
      2. Rowlett Code Enforcement – 972-412-6283
      3. Rowlett Neighborhood Services Manager – Janet Tucker, helps with HOA nuisances and city ordinance issues such as overgrown lawns, illegal vehicles. Office – 972-412-6123 Cell – 469-343-5102 [email protected]
      4. For HOA Bylaw infractions –
        1. Submit your complaint on your Goodwin Portal –
        2. Contact one of your HOA Board members and we will help you
  8. New business
    1. Election of directors
      1. John Hering, HOA Board expires 3/2024
      2. Tania Ware, HOA Board expires 3/2024
      3. Andrew Piering, HOA Board expires 3/2025
    2. Open the floor to any nominations. Close it.
      1. A motion was made and seconded to elect John and Tania by acclamation.
      2. Sherry thanked the candidates for serving.
    3. Brick Wall Maintenance in 2025 (or 2026) (will budget for it, estimated cost $15,000)
    4. Neighborhood Gatherings
      1. Mostly we need homeowners who want to sponsor events and your board will help make it happen.
        1. Movie Night
        2. Neighborhood Garage Sale
        3. Block Party
        4. It was suggested that the HOA establish a “Social Committee” for such activities. The board will pick up this discussion at a later meeting. Meanwhile, we’ll be happy to have people serve on this committee.
      2. FLOCK Camera Discussion and Homeowners Vote to proceed or not
        1. FLOCK Camera Q & A For Homeowners
        2. Resolution Regarding The FLOCK Camera
        3. Zoom Poll – to proceed or not.
        4. John presented the Q & A document. There was some repeated discussion. The mains points of concern were using money out of reserves. Privacy. Fear of the data being hacked by a 3rd party. It was recommended to the board that someone investigate of there are grants available from FEMA.
        5. The Motion to install the FLOCK cameras was read and moved for adoption.
          1. 1 abstained, 14 Yes and 17 No. Motion failed.
          2. It was recommended that this issue be put to rest. John assured the group that the Board will always listen to homeowners when they bring issues before the HOA. It may not come up again, or it might, just like any other issue or suggestion.
  9. Next Scheduled Meetings:
    1. In a few weeks for the board to elect their positions.
    2. HOA Annual Budget Meeting: Monday, Oct 21st, 2024, 7:00 pm
    3. Adjournment:
  10. Entered executive session
  11. Executive and meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

10-19-2023 Champion Lakes HOA Board Budget Meeting Minutes

Champion Lakes HOA

Budget Approval and Discussion Meeting Oct.

19, 2023 7pm Via Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting


  • Call to order: Time: 7:00pm
    • Approve the Agenda by the Board
  • Establish Quorum of the Board: John Hering, President; Tania Ware, Secretary;
    Andrew Piering, Treasurer

    • Guests: Amberly Harper (FLOCK Camera Representative), Ashleigh
      Richardson (Goodwin Manager),


  • Proof of notice
    • Posted to TownSq on 10/12/23, meeting BOD meeting 144 hour
      notice requirement by Texas State Property Code
    • Yard sign, Facebook,
    • Thank you for attending this meeting. Why? 3 points
      • Stay Informed
        Yes, you have access to meeting minutes, email updates, and the Web Site, but they are just highlights of what is happening. By attending this HOA budget meeting you’re able to hear the discussions, recommendations, and concerns first-hand. You can learn more about how and why decisions were made and what is in the works for the future.
      • Get Involved
        This is a great opportunity to make your voice heard if there is something you have questions about or want to share regarding what is happening in our community. You can think about things you like to do and put your talents to use and make a positive difference in our neighborhood.

        • Neighborhood Activities
          • Champion Lakes Garage Yard Sale
          • Neighborhood Movie Night
          • Neighborhood Watch Program (National Night Out)
          • Spring / Fall Block Parties
      • Understand Community Management
        You pay dues every year, but do you know how that money is being spent? Do you know why the HOA had to lower or increase fees? By attending this meeting you can gain more insight into exactly what decisions are being made and how the community is being managed. Thank you for joining us this evening. Welcome our new members!!!!


  1. Discussion of proposed 2024 operating budget
    1. No increase in assessments ($450, 92 Owners, $41,400)
      1. Administrative costs: $11,351
      2. Property Maintenance: $15,950
      3. Insurance: $5,469
      4. Reserves: $7,296
      5. Utilities: $2,060
  2. Implementation of new items in budget (including Cameras)
    1. Irrigation Repair: $200 / month
    2. Landscape Maintenance: $750 / month (mowing, spring and fall flowers, picking the weeds
    3. FLOCK Security Camera: $3,150 this year, $2,500 next years
      1. Put it in the budget without any hike in assessments
      2. Doesn’t mean we have to spend it and we will talk about
        postponing the purchase of these cameras until a later
        special HOA Board Meeting
  3. Approval by Board of Directors
    1. Board approved budget line items, but removed from the budget and did not approve flock security cameras in budget.


  • Presentation, Q&A, and discussion regarding Flock Safety Camerao
    • First talked about by the board back in October of 2022
    • Requested by some homeowners
    • President’s Preliminary Survey results to get a feel of our homeowners (11 yes, 4 no)
    • Camera security verses flowers
    • Camera security verses Budget/Reserves for future projects (wall)
      o There were many questions discussed and the FLOCK issue was tabled until a later meeting.
  • Adjourn

04-20-2023 Champion Lakes HOA Special Board Meeting

Champion Lakes HOA Special Board Meeting Agenda Thursday, April 20, 2023
6:30 pm Begin Meeting Check-in
7:00 pm Start of the Meeting

Live (8317 Victory) or Zoom:
1. Determine votes present by roll call, check-in procedure
a. Live: Homeowners = 2
b. Zoom: Homeowners = 9
c. Proxy Ballots: 58
2. Announcement of quorum with a majority of the lots represented
3. Proof of notice of meeting (eblast, posted yard sign, notices hand distributed to homes)
4. Call to Order Time: 7:04pm. A motion was made and seconded to approve the agenda.
The motion passed.
5. Approval of minutes of preceding meeting(s):
a. 4/7/2022 HOA Organizational Board Meeting
220407 Champion Lakes Organizational Board Meeting Minutes
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as recorded. The motion
b. 3/23/2023 HOA Annual Board Meeting
230323 Champion Lakes Annual HOA Board Meeting Minutes
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as recorded. The motion

6. Organizational Votes for HOA Board (only board members can vote)
a. President – Tania made a motion that John Hering serve as president. Andrew
seconded the motion. It passed. (Expires March, 2024)
b. Secretary – John made a motion that Tania Ware serve as secretary. Andrew
seconded the motion. It passed. (Expires March, 2024)
c. Treasurer – John made a motion that Andrew Piering serve as treasurer. Tania
seconded the motion. It passed. (Expires March, 2025)

7. Homeowners vote regarding the Certificate for Recordation of Dedicatory Instrument of
Champion Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc.
a. John gave a short history and recap of the reason for this amendment
1) To protect property values


2) HOA homeowners came to the board requesting that something be done due
to the estimated 13 rentals in the neighborhood, the nuisance and danger
requiring the Rowlett Police to be called frequently
3) The Amendment would cap the number of rentals to 5 homes, also requiring
renters to have a background check, provide contact information to the HOA,
and face stiffer fines for non-compliance.
4) HOA Homeowners would have to live in their home one year before renting it
out and be placed on a waiting list. No short term rentals would be allowed,
unless the homeowner/landlord provides a hardship for their request.
5) He also reminded everyone that when a homeowner or rental does not
comply with our declarations, HOA residence may register a complaint with
Goodwin Management through TownSq. [email protected] or under your
portal at And, if it is a civil violation, then contact
Rowlett Police or Code Enforcement.
b. There was a question regarding the background checks, the process for verifying
potential renters, and the process for current homeowners to be able to rent their
homes in the future.
c. President Hering read the motion prepared by the Champion Lakes HOA Rental
Cap Committee (Attached). The motion was seconded. There was a brief
discussion and then the motion was called for a vote according to “Declaration of
Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions for Champion Lakes: Article 14; 14.1 “As
permitted by this Declaration, certain amendments of this Declaration may be
executed by the Declarant alone, or by the board alone. Otherwise, amendments
to this Declaration must be approved by the owners of at least a majority of the
d. Yes votes = 61 No votes = 3, Abstain = 2
The motion passed.
Next Scheduled Meetings:
HOA Annual Budget Meeting: Oct 19th, 2023, 7:00 pm
Adjournment: Time – 8:36 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tania Ware, Champion Lakes HOA Board Secretary


Re: Rental Cap Amendment
1. Whereas our Champion Lakes Homeowners Association (CL HOA) is committed to
maintaining and improving our CL home values, and whereas
2. Over 10% of our homes in CL are rental homes, and whereas
3. The proposed amendment allows current landlords and renters to be
grandfathered in, and whereas
4. Current CL Homeowners will be able to rent their homes after living in their home
for one year, and whereas
5. This amendment requires all renters and tenants to be subject to background
checks and restrictions, and whereas
6. This amendment includes fines for those who don’t abide by our rules,
Therefore be it resolved:
A. That we thank the Rental Cap Committee for their work in conjunction with
Attorney Casey Meyers to create this amendment, and be it further resolved,
B. That we encourage our HOA Board and our Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
to actively implement the amendment, and be it further resolved,
C. That Goodwin Management Company continues to work with our HOA Board to
evaluate the homeowners and landlords in our Champion Lakes Directory, and be it
further resolved,
D. That the CL HOA approve this amendment as presented.
Prepared by the Champion Lakes HOA Rental Cap Committee

03-23-2023 Champion Lakes HOA Annual Board Meeting

Champion Lakes HOA Annual Board Meeting Thursday, March 23, 2023 7:00 pm
Via – RingCentral
1. Determine votes present by roll call, (See Attachment pg 5)
a. Live: 9
b. Proxy Ballots: 19
2. Announcement of quorum
3. Proof of notice of meeting (eblast, posted yard sign, notices hand distributed to homes)
4. Call to Order & Approval of the Agenda – Motion made and passed to accept the agenda
5. Approval of minutes of preceding meeting(s):
a. 3/21/22 HOA Annual Board Meeting Minutes
b. 10/28/22 HOA Board Budget Meeting Minutes
6. Reports
a. President’s Report
 Thank you for attending this meeting. Why? 3 points
1. Stay Informed
Yes, you have access to meeting minutes, email updates, and the Web Site, but
they are just highlights of what is happening. By attending this HOA budget meeting
you’re able to hear the discussions, recommendations, and concerns first-hand.
You can learn more about how and why decisions were made and what is in the
works for the future.
2. Get Involved
This is a great opportunity to make your voice heard if there is something you have
questions about or want to share regarding what is happening in our community.
You can think about things you like to do and put your talents to use and make a
positive difference in our neighborhood.
Neighborhood Activities
Champion Lakes Garage Yard Sale
Neighborhood Movie Night
Neighborhood Watch Program (National Night Out)
Spring / Fall Block Parties
Entrance flowers and yard
3. Understand Community Management


You pay dues every year, but do you know how that money is being spent? Do you
know why the HOA had to lower or increase fees? By attending this meeting you
can gain more insight into exactly what decisions are being made and how the
community is being managed.
Thank you for joining us this evening. Welcome our new members!!!!
b. Treasurer’s Report
Financials is available in your TownSq Ap
i. EOY with $38,000. Balance end of February $55,197
ii. Feb, 2023 Report Checking $45,674; MM $9,522; Reserves $17,630
iii. Total Assessments Expected: $41,000 (Received: $36,716)
iv. Feb Assessments received $2,051 plus Late Fees $2,102
v. Feb Administration Expenses: $763
vi. $1,515 monthly contribution to Reserves (Last year: $485)
vii. Monthly Landscape $732
viii. Electric $59 Water $50
Treasurer report passed by board.
c. Neighborhood Watch Report (Tabled till the next meeting)
i. National Night Out
ii. Other
d. Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
i. Procedure for making changes on the outside of house/property
ARC Outside Home Change Request.
ii. [email protected]
iii. Violations to our Covenants and Bylaws being pursued
iv. Yard of the Month 4 times a year
e. Thank you to Ashleigh Richardson and Goodwin Management Company for their
service to Champion Lakes, Rowlett.

2. Election of directors
a. Andrew Piering, HOA Board expires 3/2025 (only position up for a vote)
b. John Hering, HOA Board expires 3/2024
c. Tania Ware, HOA Board expires 3/2024
Andrew Piering nominated and voted on to the board unanimously by all members present
and proxy ballots.
3. Unfinished or Old Business
a. Iron Fence Maintenance Completed (May, 2022 @ $4,400)
b. How to handle complaints
i. For criminal activity – Dial 911 Non-emergency Rowlett# 972-412-6200

ii. For HOA Bylaw infractions –
1. Submit your complaint on your Goodwin Portal –
2. Contact one of your HOA Board members

4. New business
a. Sprinkler Maintenance (Schedule for 3/27 estimated costs $2,800)
b. Entrance Monument Facelift (Scheduled for 4/2023 estimated costs $4,900)
c. Brick Wall Maintenance in 2024 (will budget for it, estimated cost $13,000)-
Questions brought before the board: Is this brick wall required by the city? What is
the cost of the removal of the brick wall versus the maintenance?
d. Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and Color Palette
i. Painting or Staining Brick or not? (Yes/No)
ii. Using “Weatherwood” roofing Shingles exclusively (Yes/No)
iii. 1 Exterior Primary Color
iv. 2 Bold Accent Colors
v. 3 Primary Accent Colors
vi. 4 Bold Accents for Doors
vii. 5 Color Palette Combination Guide
viii. 6 Color Palette Example Pictures
ix. Motion To Adopt The Color Palette
ARC Color Palette approved as a guide and passed by a vote.

e. Neighborhood Gatherings
Mostly we need homeowners who want to sponsor events and your board will help
make it happen.
i. Movie Night
ii. Neighborhood Garage Sale
f. Special HOA Board/Homeowners Meeting to vote on Rental Cap Amendment to our
Covenants. Rental Cap Amendment Proposal TBD

Next Scheduled Meetings:
Special HOA Meeting to vote on Rental Cap Amendment, Proposed Date: Thursday, April 20, 2023
at 7:00 pm (Live and Zoom).
HOA Annual Budget Meeting: Oct 19 th , 2023, 7:00 pm
Adjournment: Time – 8:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry Jones, subbing for Tania Ware, Champion Lakes HOA Board Secretary


Close the Meeting to the General Homeowners and begin Board Officers Discussion with
5. Violation Issues
Excuse the ARC and Board Discussion regarding Issues
6. Delinquent List
7. Other

10-27-2022 Champion Lakes HOA Budget Meeting

Champion Lakes HOA Board Budget Minutes
October 27, 2022 (Live) 8317 Victory St (online) Ring Central
Meeting Agenda:

  • Roll Call / Attendance:
    • Board: John Hering, President; Tania Ware, Secretary; Judy Liles, Treasurer
      Live: Gustavo & Elva Araiza (8501 Sailors),
      Online: Ed White (8314 Victory), Randy House (8601 Scooner), Jimmy & Loren Wilson (8618 Gold Rd), June Hering (8317 Victory)
    • Proof of Notice of this meeting: emailed on October 14 th , 2022
  • Call Meeting to Order: Time: 7:04pm
    • President’s Introduction:
      President John gave an encouraging welcome and gave an overview of why this meeting
      was important. He also welcomed our new homeowners.
    1. Approve the Agenda – Tania made the motion to approve the agenda, and Judy
      seconded it. It passed.
    2.  Approve Prior Meeting Minutes
      1. a. October 28, 2021 HOA Budget Meeting
        10/28/21 HOA Meeting Minutes.
        A summary was given. Tania made the motion to approve the 10/28/21
        minutes as posted, and Judy seconded it. It passed.
      2. b. March 31, 2022 Annual HOA Board Meeting
        3/31/22 HOA Board Meeting Minutes
        Tania made the motion to approve the 3/31/22 minutes as posted, and Judy
        seconded it. It passed.
    3. Financial Report
      1. a. Jackie Sterk gave an overview of the financials from TownSq. TownSq Financial Report
        1. i. Balance = $28,931
        2. ii. Reserve Funding = $17,630
        3. iii. Assessments still owed for 2022 = $2,355
        4. iv. Overspend legal fees by $570
        5. v. Unbudgeted Iron Fence = $4,400 (came from Reserves)
        6. vi. Transfer from income to Reserves = $3,880
        7. vii. Utilities underspent by $900
      2. b. Comparison as of end of September
        1. i. 2020 balance = $63,985
        2. ii. 2021 balance = $28,396
        3. iii. 2022 balance = $28,931
      3. Tania made the motion to approve the 9/30/22 Financial Report, and Judy seconded it. Without further discussion it passed.
    4. Old Business:
      1. a. HOA Bylaws and Covenants Violations
        1. i. John explained the process for complaints/concerns
          1. Contact
            1. a. on your Resident Portal
            2. b. [email protected]
        2. Loud noise – Rowlett non-emergency Police # 972-412-6200
      2. b. Maintenance Items/Discussion
        1. i. Want to make House improvements/construction/painting/sheds, contact: TownSq Architectural Review Committee
        2. ii. Communication is the key
          1. To find your TownSq Resident Portal:
        3. iii. Important Documents: CH HOA website: It was noted to put a link on the Champion Lakes HOA website to TownSq
        4. iv. HOA Maintenance this past year
          1. Entrance Sprinkler Repairs (major repairs will go into the 2023 budget)
          2. Black iron fence painting/straightening
          3. Entrance flower bed – Fall/Winter planting
        5. v. Architectural Review Committee:
          1. Mike Kratz, Tracy Poplawski, Mike Mankin
          2. HOA color palette and Yard of the Season
          3. Will handle the requests TownSq Architectural Review Committee
        6. vi. Neighborhood Watch Committee:
          1. 1. Loren Wilson
    5. New Business:
      1. a. 2023 Budget Proposal by John
        1. i. Anticipated Significant increases next year
          1. Insurance and Legal Fees (@ $5,000)
          2. Anticipated Irrigation Repairs (@ $3,000)
          3. Landscaping Improvements (@ $5,000)
          4. Reserve Contribution (@ $6,180)
          5. Total increase of $18,000
        2. ii. Brick Fence Replacement after 10 years is estimated to be as follows
          1. a. $82,000 to replace the brick wall and fence
          2. b. $13,000 estimate to maintain the brick fence in 2024???)
        3. iii. The Champion Lakes HOA Homeowners passed the assessment budget proposal last year (Reserve Study Recommended a $150 increase, but we voted to divide up the increase to $375 in 2022 and $450 in 2023)
        4. iv. The proposed budget for 2023 is $41,400 (Addendum #1) Tania called the motion to approve the 2023 Champion Lakes HOA Budget, and Judy seconded it. There was some clarification regarding an increase of $75 last year for the 2022 budget, and $75 increase this year for the 2023 budget. The motion passed.
      2. b. Rental Cap Committee (RCC)
        1. i. Several homeowners requested that a Rental Cap Committee be created to study the feasibility of capping the number of rental homes allowed in our HOA. The president appointed a committee.
        2. ii. The RCC has been working with Attorney Casey Meyers to present to the Champion Lakes HOA Homeowners at a special meeting in the near future.
      3. c. Discuss Scheduling of next HOA Board Activities / meetings
        1. i. Neighborhood Garage sale (Coordinator and date TBD)
        2. ii. Annual Meeting – Thursday, March 23, 2023
          1. Agenda: Reports, Finances, Elections (Judy Liles),
    6. Adjournment
      1. Thanks those who joined the meeting
      2. Please contact your HOA (Tania, Judy, John) if you want to get involved
      3. Please Contact your ARC (Mike, Mike, Tracy) if you want to improve your outside yard/house
      4. Send questions or comments to your HOA Board or [email protected]

Respectfully submitted,
Tania Ware, Champion Lakes HOA Secretary

04-07-2022 HOA Board Organizational Meeting

HOA Board Organizational Meeting Date: Thursday, April 7 2022
Start Time: 7:00 pm Location: Video Conference for Social Distance Click on
*or* teleconference by call in to 1-720 902-7700 Meeting ID = 148 111 0115
General Agenda Items:
Roll Call: John Hering, Tania Ware, Judy Liles
Homeowners: None
• Call Meeting to Order at 7:00 pm
• Elect Officers to the HOA for the coming year
Tania Ware made a motion for John Hering to be president. It was seconded by
Judy Liles. After discussion the motion passed.
Judy Liles made a motion for Tania Ware to be secretary. It was seconded by John
Hering. After discussion the motion passed.
Tania Ware made a motion for Judy Liles to be treasurer. It was seconded by John
Hering. After discussion the motion passed.
• Discuss Scheduling of next Board meeting
The Board members will look at their schedules and work on a date for the next meeting

sometime in the end of May.
• Adjournment at 7:12 pm
After the meeting the Board members also discussed:
1. Reminder that Champion Lakes is not an “all in all” neighborhood. We don’t have a
neighborhood where you can paint your house any color, do exterior improvements
without ARC approval, or park non-working cars on the street for long periods of time.
2. The Board will continue to pursue other homeowners to be in the Board and ARC.
3. We talked about the color palette. We will follow the Covenants and Agreements in order
to provide our homeowners with a guide by which they can paint or shingle their homes.
4. John Hering will prepare a letter regarding the jeeps exterior land construction in front of
8217 Sailors.

03-21-2022 Champion Lakes HOA Annual Meeting

Champion Lakes HOA Annual Meeting
Thursday, March 31, 2022 7:00 pm
Via – RingCentral


1. Determine votes present by roll call or check-in procedure. Also welcome new neighbors.
2. Announcement of quorum – we had 25 homeowners represented live/proxy
3. Proof of notice of meeting (eblast, posted yard sign, notices hand distributed to homes)
4. Call to Order & Approval of the Agenda with the addition of time at the end for questions/comments. Motioned, seconded and passed
5. Approval of minutes of preceding meeting:

a. April 6, 2021 HOA Annual Board Meeting Minutes
Motioned and seconded to accept the minutes. Passed
b. October 11, 2021 HOA Board Meeting Minutes Motioned and seconded to accept the minutes. Passed

6. Reports

a. Treasurer’s Report

i. EOY with $38,000
ii. Feb, 2022 Report $23,264 Operating; $4,605 MM; $18,563 Reserves
iii. Assessments and Late Fees $6,104
iv. $485 monthly contribution to Reserves ($5,820 per year)
v. Electric and Water $132
Motion made and seconded to accept the treasurer’s report

b. Neighborhood Watch Report

i. National Night Out – City of Rowlett also has a trailer they let
neighborhoods use for such events. It will probably be in October, early
prep work.
ii. Neighborhood Concerns – Recommended keeping cars locked due to rise
in auto thefts.

c. Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

i. Procedure for making changes on the outside of house/property
ARC Outside Home Change Request. [email protected]
ii. Violations to our Covenants and Bylaws
iii. Yard of the Month 4 times a year (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)

7. Election of directorsThe slate of Candidates was motioned and seconded by acclamation. Motion

a. John Hering, HOA Board expires 3/2022
b. Tania Ware, HOA Board expires 3/2022
c. Judy Liles, HOA Board expires 3/2023

8. Unfinished or old business

a. Iron Fence Maintenance (share the bids we have, vote)

i. SMK Handyman – $2,729
ii. SG Landscaping – $4,400
iii. Campbell Construction – $5,500
Motion made and seconded. Discussion recommended that President John see if
SMK will be insured by end of April, if not, then go with SG Landscaping. Motion passed.

b. Entrance Landscaping

i. $1,600 in budget for 2022 for flowers and landscaping
ii. Getting estimates for a major upgrade for 2023
iii. Monthly Mowing Services – $680

c. How to handle complaints

i. For criminal activity – Dial 911
ii. For HOA Bylaw infractions –

1. Excel Resident Portal
2. Contact & Support Tab
3. Contact Management Tab
4. Type: Drop down – Complaint, Violation, Comment, etc

iii. Contact one of your HOA Board members

d. Neighborhood Gatherings

i. Movie Night
ii. Neighborhood Garage Sale

9. New business

a. Brick Wall Maintenance in 2023 (will budget for it)
b. Sprinkler Maintenance in 2023 (will budget for it)
c. Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Introduction of the CL HOA Color Palette
d. 1 Exterior Primary Color
e. 2 Bold Accent Colors
f. 3 Primary Accent Colors
g. 4 Bold Accents for Doors
h. 5 Color Palette Combination Guide
i. 6 Color Palette Example Pictures
j. Motion: Adoption of Color Palette
k. It was moved and seconded to use the proposed Color Palette for the standard
upon which our ARC will make exterior painting approval/disapproval decisions.
Motion was defeated and the ARC was asked to prepare the Color Palette to
investigate using “Weatherwood” roofing shingles exclusively, and painting of brick.
l. Excel joins Goodwin & Company to expand services provided to CL HOA

i. Effective July 1 – You will be receiving a mailing with instructions
ii. Dedicated Compliance support
iii. Delinquency Management: Goodwin will follow the Association’s preferred
method in the management of delinquent accounts. If interested, we also
offer an innovative process that includes monthly correspondence with
delinquent owners, positive and negative credit reporting (no additional
cost to the Association), payment plan facilitation, lien filing, and a
comprehensive delinquency analysis report designed to help the Board
determine when it is advantageous to pursue legal action to collect on the

10. Next Meeting: The HOA Board will Vote on Board Positions. (Pending a vote is complete)
April 7, 7:00 pm CL HOA Board Organizational Meeting
11. Adjournment: Time – 8:07 pm

10-28-2021 Champion Lakes HOA Board Meeting

Champion Lakes HOA Board Meeting
October 28, 2021 (Live) 8317 Victory St (online) Ring Central

Meeting Agenda

  • Attendance: Board:
    • John Hering, President, Tania Ware, Secretary, Judy Liles, Treasurer Guests:
  • Call Meeting to Order: Time:
  1. Approve the Agenda – approve the agenda
  2. Approve Prior Meeting Minutes
    1. August 11, 2021
    2. Motion / 2nd / Approval
  3. Financial Report
    1. End of September
      1. 2020 balance = $63,985
      2. 2021 balance = $28,396
    2. 2021 Budget Comparison
      • i. Collection costs are down
      • ii. Landscaping/Maintenance down
      • iii. Reserve Study cost $1,900
      • iv. Entrance flowers/makeover = $1,000
      • v. Utilities/Water = $341 under budget (until leak)
      • vi. Reserves Contribution – $100 per month
  4. Old Business:
    • a. HOA Bylaws and Covenants Offenses
      • i. Trash cans by the house, Basketball hoops off the street, Continually open garage doors, Abandon Cars, or covered cars (stored) in driveways
      • ii. Process for complaints/concerns
        • 1. Fences, yards, upkeep –
        • 2. Speak to your neighbor if you can/willing
        • 3. Contact
          • a. ager
          • b. [email protected] on your Resident Portal
        • 4. Loud noise – Rowlett non-emergency Police # 972-412-6200
      • iii. Contact your CLHOA Board and we will help you.
    • b. Maintenance Items/Discussion
      • i. House improvements/construction/painting/sheds, contact [email protected] or fill out the form for the Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
      • ii. Communication is key
        1. 1. To find your Resident Portal: Management services, Resident Portal, Forms, etc.
        2. 2. Contact your HOA Board and we’ll help you.
      • iii. Important Documents: CH HOA website:
      • iv. HOA Maintenance
        • 1. Just repaired a water leak (3,400 gallons a day!)
        • 2. Dirt under brick wall
        • 3. Black iron fence painting/straightening (Est $2,000)
        • 4. Entrance flower bed – Fall/Winter planting
        • 5. Graffiti – under the bridge – working with Rowlett City Engineers to paint over the graffiti
  5. New Business:
    • a. Introduction of the Architectural Review Committee
      • i. Mike Kratz, Tracy Poplawski, Mike Mankin
      • ii. Meeting soon to establish a color palate and review the rules
      • iii. Will handle the requests
    • b. Reserve Study
      • i. The property is in good general condition and well-maintained.
      • ii. With current projected costs of $25,000 per year of operational costs
      • iii. Current assessment of $300 annually per homeowner totals $27,600
      • iv. The current Reserve balance is $16,795
      • v. At current levels ($100 per month into the Reserve Account) the Associations’ current funding proves inadequate to meet future needs.
      • vi. The Reserve Study Suggests an annual increase of $115 (Total assessment of $415 per year) per household to meet anticipated costs, then an increase of 2% per year for the next 6 years.
      • vii. Future major costs: Brick Wall Replacement – (we are 20 years into an average 30 year life)
      • viii. Future major costs: Metal Fence Replacement – (we are 20 years into an average 42 year life, but no doubt when the wall is rebuilt, so will the metal fence)
      • ix. Our HOA Dilemma:
        • 1. Repairs of the next 10 years are estimated to be as follows
          • a. $44,000 in maintenance costs for brick wall and fence
          • b. Divided by 92 homes
          • c. $478 per home
          • d. Divided by 10 years
          • e. $47 assessment increase
        • 2. Replacement after 10 years is estimated to be as follows
          • a. $82,000 to replace the brick wall and fence
          • b. Divided by 92 homes
          • c. $891 per home
          • d. Divided by 10 years
          • e. $89 assessment increase
        • x. These numbers are according to today’s costs and don’t include a 2.5% inflation increase.
      • c. The Champion Lakes HOA Board supports the assessment increase for 2022, and recommends a $75 per homeowner increase; also supports the recommended $75 increase for the 2023 budget. Held a record vote in favor of the increases. ********************************************
      • d. Discuss Scheduling of next HOA Board Activities / meetings i. Neighborhood Garage sale (date TBD) ii. Annual Meeting – Thursday, March 24, 2022
  6. Adjournment
    • Thanks those who joined the meeting
    • Send questions or comments to your HOA Board or [email protected]

08-11-2021 Meeting Minutes of the Board Meeting

Champion Lakes HOA Board Meeting
August 11, 2021 (online only) Ring Central

  1. Attendance:
    • Board: John Hering, President, Tania Ware, Secretary, Judy Liles, Treasurer
    • Guests: Jackie-Excel; 8606 Scooner – Denise & Julian; 8601 Scooner- Randy; 8417 Victory-Sherry; 8405 Sailors-Darla
  2. Call Meeting to Order 7:00 PM
    • Approve the Agenda – Motion passed
  3. Approve Prior Meeting Minutes
    • December 3, 2020 – Motion passed
    • April 6, 2021 – Motion Passed
  4. Financial Report – Motion passed to approve the report
  5. Old Business:
    • Entrance Gate Consideration Report – HOA Board recommends no
    • Review of HOA Bylaws and Covenants Report – HOA Board recommends no changes at this time.
  6. New Business:
    • Review of HOA Reserve Study (Projected repairs v. budget)
      • The reserve study concluded:
        • The property is in good general condition and well-maintained.
        • With current projected costs of $25,000 per year of operational costs
        • Current assessment of $300 annually per homeowner totals $27,600
        • The current Reserve balance is $16,087
        • At current levels ($100 per month into the Reserve Account) the Associations’ current funding should prove inadequate to meet future needs.
        • The Reserve Study Suggests an annual increase of $115 (Total assessment of $415 per year) per household to meet anticipated costs:
        • Immediate maintenance: Metal Fencing clean/prime/paint
        • Future major costs: Brick Wall Replacement – (we are 20 years into an average 30 year life)
        • Future major costs: Metal Fence Replacement – (we are 20 years into an average 42 year life, but no doubt when the wall is rebuilt, so will the metal fence)
    • The Champion Lakes HOA Board supports the assessment increase for 2022, and recommends a $50 per homeowner increase per year.
      • Probable increase of 2022 dues at October, 2021 Board meeting of $50 per year.
  7. Discuss Scheduling of next HOA Board Activities / meetings
    • Board meeting Wednesday, October 20, 2021 (2022 budget approval and HOA report)
    • Annual Meeting – Thursday, March 24, 2022
  8. Adjournment: 7:45 PM

04-25-2021 Meeting Minutes of the Board Organizational Meeting



  TIME: 5 PM

Attendance: John, Tania, and Judy


Judy is new board member

Agenda Items voted on:

  • Voted on board positions:
    • John-President
    • Tania-Secretary
    • Judy-Treasurer
  • Voted to move forward with reserve study
  • Voted to move forward with wall mortar repair to be done by Love Craft
  • Voted to present Yard of the Month
  • Voted to walk through neighborhood on June 26 with community/home checklist