Champion Lakes HOA Annual Board Meeting Notes Monday, March 25, 2024
6:30pm Check in
- Determine votes present by roll call, check-in procedure, # of Proxy Ballots.
- Live:
John & June Hering (8317 Victory), - Proxy Ballots:
- Live:
- Announcement of quorum: met quorum
- Proof of notice of meeting (eblast, posted yard sign, notices hand distributed to homes)
- Call to Order & Approval of the Agenda at 7:00pm
- Approval of minutes of preceding meeting(s):
- 3/23/23 HOA Annual Board Meeting Minutes
- Motion to Accept the minutes- approved.
- 4/20/23 HOA Board Budget Meeting Minutes
- Motion to Accept the minutes- approved.
- 10/19/2023 HOA Budget Meeting Minutes
- Motion to Accept the minutes – approved.
- 3/23/23 HOA Annual Board Meeting Minutes
- Reports:
- President’s Report
- Thank you for attending this meeting. Why? 3 points
- Stay Informed
- Yes, you have access to meeting minutes, email updates, and the Web Site, but they are just highlights of what is happening. By attending this HOA budget meeting you’re able to hear the discussions, recommendations, and concerns first-hand. You can learn more about how and why decisions were made and what is in the works for the future.
- Get Involved
- This is a great opportunity to make your voice heard if there is something you have questions about or want to share regarding what is happening in our community. You can think about things you like to do and put your talents to use and make a positive difference in our neighborhood.
- Neighborhood Activities
- Champion Lakes Garage Yard Sale
- Neighborhood Movie Night
- Neighborhood Watch Program (National Night Out)
- Spring / Fall Block Parties
- This is a great opportunity to make your voice heard if there is something you have questions about or want to share regarding what is happening in our community. You can think about things you like to do and put your talents to use and make a positive difference in our neighborhood.
- Understand Community Management
- You pay dues every year, but do you know how that money is being spent? Do you know why the HOA had to lower or increase fees? By attending this meeting you can gain more insight into exactly what decisions are being made and how the community is being managed. What are you getting for your money?
- Thank you for joining us this evening. Welcome our new homeowners!!!!
- Tania thanked everyone and the large number of people at the Zoom Meeting.
- Stay Informed
- Thank you for attending this meeting. Why? 3 points
- Treasurer’s Report – Financials are available in your TownSq Ap
- Financial Highlights:
- EOY with $39,195. Balance end of February $53,671
- Feb, 2023 Report Checking $45,674; MM $9,522;
- Feb, 2024 Report Checking $32,383; MM $21,287
- Total Assessments Expected: $41,400 (Received: $33,307)
- Feb Assessments received $3,330 plus Late Fees $143
- Feb Administration Expenses: $2,362
- Reserve Contributions per month
- 2022 = $485
- 2023 = $1,000
- 2024 = $871
- Monthly Landscape $750 (includes mowing and Spring/Fall flowers)
- Feb Electric $37 Water $0
- Comments
- Heather spoke about the importance of the reserves.
- Ashleigh noted that we had $38,000 in reserves and we were ahead of planned amount.
- Noted that the Landscaper went up by $70 per month, but it also includes weed pulling and flowers planted twice a year.
- It was requested that the Reserve Study from 2021 be put on TownSq. John will send to Ashleigh for posting.
- Comments
- Motion to approve the Financials as reported
- Financial Highlights:
- Neighborhood Watch Report
- National Night Out – hopefully in the Fall
- Other
- Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
- Procedure for making changes on the outside of house/property
- ARC Outside Home Change Request.
- [email protected]
- Violations to our Covenants and Bylaws being pursued.
- Yard of the Month was not put into the 2024 budget.
- It was noted that we wouldn’t be having financial discussions if all the homeowners would pay their dues….. noting about $10,000 is owed!
- Sherry Jones volunteered to be put on the ARC. We will touch based with her because others are interested as well.
- Thank you to Ashleigh Richardson and Goodwin Management Company for their service to Champion Lakes, Rowlett.
- President’s Report
- Unfinished or Old Business:
- 2023 highlights
- Amendment to the declaration about rentals
- Major Sprinkler Repair without being in the budget, but covered without going into the Reserves.
- Entrance Monument Enhancement – appreciated by the homeowners for increased property values
- Establishment of the ARC Color Palette
- How to handle complaints
- For criminal activity – Dial 911 Non-emergency Rowlett# 972-412-6200
- Rowlett Code Enforcement – 972-412-6283
- Rowlett Neighborhood Services Manager – Janet Tucker, helps with HOA nuisances and city ordinance issues such as overgrown lawns, illegal vehicles. Office – 972-412-6123 Cell – 469-343-5102 [email protected]
- For HOA Bylaw infractions –
- Submit your complaint on your Goodwin Portal –
- Contact one of your HOA Board members and we will help you
- 2023 highlights
- New business
- Election of directors
- John Hering, HOA Board expires 3/2024
- Tania Ware, HOA Board expires 3/2024
- Andrew Piering, HOA Board expires 3/2025
- Open the floor to any nominations. Close it.
- A motion was made and seconded to elect John and Tania by acclamation.
- Sherry thanked the candidates for serving.
- Brick Wall Maintenance in 2025 (or 2026) (will budget for it, estimated cost $15,000)
- Neighborhood Gatherings
- Mostly we need homeowners who want to sponsor events and your board will help make it happen.
- Movie Night
- Neighborhood Garage Sale
- Block Party
- It was suggested that the HOA establish a “Social Committee” for such activities. The board will pick up this discussion at a later meeting. Meanwhile, we’ll be happy to have people serve on this committee.
- FLOCK Camera Discussion and Homeowners Vote to proceed or not
- FLOCK Camera Q & A For Homeowners
- Resolution Regarding The FLOCK Camera
- Zoom Poll – to proceed or not.
- John presented the Q & A document. There was some repeated discussion. The mains points of concern were using money out of reserves. Privacy. Fear of the data being hacked by a 3rd party. It was recommended to the board that someone investigate of there are grants available from FEMA.
- The Motion to install the FLOCK cameras was read and moved for adoption.
- 1 abstained, 14 Yes and 17 No. Motion failed.
- It was recommended that this issue be put to rest. John assured the group that the Board will always listen to homeowners when they bring issues before the HOA. It may not come up again, or it might, just like any other issue or suggestion.
- Mostly we need homeowners who want to sponsor events and your board will help make it happen.
- Election of directors
- Next Scheduled Meetings:
- In a few weeks for the board to elect their positions.
- HOA Annual Budget Meeting: Monday, Oct 21st, 2024, 7:00 pm
- Adjournment:
- Entered executive session
- Executive and meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.