04-20-2023 Champion Lakes HOA Special Board Meeting

Champion Lakes HOA Special Board Meeting Agenda Thursday, April 20, 2023
6:30 pm Begin Meeting Check-in
7:00 pm Start of the Meeting

Live (8317 Victory) or Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/2091111814
1. Determine votes present by roll call, check-in procedure
a. Live: Homeowners = 2
b. Zoom: Homeowners = 9
c. Proxy Ballots: 58
2. Announcement of quorum with a majority of the lots represented
3. Proof of notice of meeting (eblast, posted yard sign, notices hand distributed to homes)
4. Call to Order Time: 7:04pm. A motion was made and seconded to approve the agenda.
The motion passed.
5. Approval of minutes of preceding meeting(s):
a. 4/7/2022 HOA Organizational Board Meeting
220407 Champion Lakes Organizational Board Meeting Minutes
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as recorded. The motion
b. 3/23/2023 HOA Annual Board Meeting
230323 Champion Lakes Annual HOA Board Meeting Minutes
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as recorded. The motion

6. Organizational Votes for HOA Board (only board members can vote)
a. President – Tania made a motion that John Hering serve as president. Andrew
seconded the motion. It passed. (Expires March, 2024)
b. Secretary – John made a motion that Tania Ware serve as secretary. Andrew
seconded the motion. It passed. (Expires March, 2024)
c. Treasurer – John made a motion that Andrew Piering serve as treasurer. Tania
seconded the motion. It passed. (Expires March, 2025)

7. Homeowners vote regarding the Certificate for Recordation of Dedicatory Instrument of
Champion Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc.
a. John gave a short history and recap of the reason for this amendment
1) To protect property values


2) HOA homeowners came to the board requesting that something be done due
to the estimated 13 rentals in the neighborhood, the nuisance and danger
requiring the Rowlett Police to be called frequently
3) The Amendment would cap the number of rentals to 5 homes, also requiring
renters to have a background check, provide contact information to the HOA,
and face stiffer fines for non-compliance.
4) HOA Homeowners would have to live in their home one year before renting it
out and be placed on a waiting list. No short term rentals would be allowed,
unless the homeowner/landlord provides a hardship for their request.
5) He also reminded everyone that when a homeowner or rental does not
comply with our declarations, HOA residence may register a complaint with
Goodwin Management through TownSq. [email protected] or under your
portal at www.goodwintx.com. And, if it is a civil violation, then contact
Rowlett Police or Code Enforcement.
b. There was a question regarding the background checks, the process for verifying
potential renters, and the process for current homeowners to be able to rent their
homes in the future.
c. President Hering read the motion prepared by the Champion Lakes HOA Rental
Cap Committee (Attached). The motion was seconded. There was a brief
discussion and then the motion was called for a vote according to “Declaration of
Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions for Champion Lakes: Article 14; 14.1 “As
permitted by this Declaration, certain amendments of this Declaration may be
executed by the Declarant alone, or by the board alone. Otherwise, amendments
to this Declaration must be approved by the owners of at least a majority of the
d. Yes votes = 61 No votes = 3, Abstain = 2
The motion passed.
Next Scheduled Meetings:
HOA Annual Budget Meeting: Oct 19th, 2023, 7:00 pm
Adjournment: Time – 8:36 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tania Ware, Champion Lakes HOA Board Secretary


Re: Rental Cap Amendment
1. Whereas our Champion Lakes Homeowners Association (CL HOA) is committed to
maintaining and improving our CL home values, and whereas
2. Over 10% of our homes in CL are rental homes, and whereas
3. The proposed amendment allows current landlords and renters to be
grandfathered in, and whereas
4. Current CL Homeowners will be able to rent their homes after living in their home
for one year, and whereas
5. This amendment requires all renters and tenants to be subject to background
checks and restrictions, and whereas
6. This amendment includes fines for those who don’t abide by our rules,
Therefore be it resolved:
A. That we thank the Rental Cap Committee for their work in conjunction with
Attorney Casey Meyers to create this amendment, and be it further resolved,
B. That we encourage our HOA Board and our Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
to actively implement the amendment, and be it further resolved,
C. That Goodwin Management Company continues to work with our HOA Board to
evaluate the homeowners and landlords in our Champion Lakes Directory, and be it
further resolved,
D. That the CL HOA approve this amendment as presented.
Prepared by the Champion Lakes HOA Rental Cap Committee